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Our East Preston build taking shape.

Architectural Evolution in Worthing: A Study of Design and Construction

This post offers a transparent view of an architectural project’s lifecycle, presented by BuildView, who have been worrying (and inspiring ) actual RIBA and ARB  Architects in Worthing and the South East UK for the last 6 years! Maybe there is something in Architectural Designers just being really good at what they do. The journeys not the most important part of home desgin its the outcome once the novelty of the process has worn off and you are left to enjoy what you have got.

Design Intent to Construction Reality

Our project in East Preston embodies the architectural design ethos of BuildView - where innovative design meets practical execution. The initial design image reveals a residence that harmonizes modern design demands with regional aesthetics. It’s a careful curation of materials and particularly forms which are sympathetic yet break away from the normal alterations designed by Worthing architects, but it still respects both function and the South East’s architectural vernacular. This was demonstrated by the planning process which was approved on the first round.

The accompanying construction image provides a stark insight into the building's emerging anatomy. Each beam and structure is placed with precision, underpinning the integrity of our architectural design. It’s a testament to the thought that goes into our work – from paper to site.

BuildView: Improving and Inspiring the Architectural Fabric of Worthing and East Preston.

Buildview continues to contribute to the evolving architectural narrative of Worthing and East Preston. We prioritize design practicalities from concept through to construction, ensuring each structure is anchored in its intended design principles.

Continue to follow our blog for succinct updates on this and other projects within the Worthing area. Visit for an extensive look at our portfolio and expertise. If you are interested to know about the costs of building visit our article how much does it cost to build.